Domestic Violence Programs
Our Services
Family Violence Education Program (FVEP)
FVEP is a pretrial program for male and female defendants that addresses the behavioral, cognitive, and social factors that contribute to violence and abuse and stresses the legal consequences and the consequences to children and families.
Is a 26-week, 52 session skills building, and culturally competent, psycho-educational curriculum-based intervention for male offenders with female victims. Evolve is characterized by consistent judicial oversight with rapid response to violations, extensive specialized victim advocacy resources, and a graduated range of sanctions. The program is designed to address the most serious and highest risk cases.
Intimate Partner Violence - Family Assessment Intervention Response (IPV-FAIR)
IPV-Fair is a trauma-informed and family-focused program. The program provides case management and clinical support to mothers and fathers to increase safety, build healthier relationships, and improve co-parenting skills for the benefit of both parents and children.
Is a 26-week group program for convicted male offenders under supervision of a probation officer and/or the court. The program is designed to address more complex and serious charges and co-occurring issues.