Mentoring Programs

Services are strength based providing case management and enrichment activities that are geared to enhance and support the assets of each family, and the self-esteem of each child. Collaboration with local organizations and service providers help to create a “web of supportive relationships” and wrap around services for these children, youth and their families. Through mentoring, children and youth have opportunities to develop meaningful relationships, receive support and advocacy.

Our Services

Father Engagement Services (FES)

Under contract with CT Department of Children and Families (DCF), FES is designed to reach “difficult to engage” fathers of children who are in DCF care. FES services are provided in the community and within correctional facilities as follows:

Community - For fathers residing in southwestern CT, services include delivery of the 24/7Dad curriculum along with case management. Fathers do not need to be involved with the criminal justice system. All referrals are directed through DCF Social Workers. Average length of service is approximately 6 months.

Incarcerated - For fathers of children in DCF care, who are incarcerated and within 6 to 9 months of release. Services include early engagement and introduction to the FES program, assessments and coordination with DCF and FES services statewide.

Youth Mentoring

The Youth Mentoring Program pairs up adult volunteers with at-risk youth (ages 8 to 17) to offer mentoring support. After completing an application and training process, mentors and youth are paired up for a one-year period. In order to help our youth develop life skills, mentors function as positive role models by hosting weekly meetings, including them in prosocial activities, engaging in communication with guardians, and more. Youth have the chance to improve their interpersonal skills, create healthy coping mechanisms, and work toward objectives that will improve their outcomes as young people.

Family Reentry personnel assist mentors by working together to address the needs of the mentee. This program serves youth throughout Fairfield County who have been identified as benefiting from a mentor relationship, including those involved in the Bridgeport and Norwalk Juvenile Justice System.

Family Supporting Reenty (FSR)

A new DCF initiative, FSR rolled out in 2023 and is funded through a grant from the US Department of Justice. The program serves to link fathers of children in DCF care who are incarcerated in 1 of 4 CT correctional facilities and who are within 6 to 9 months of release. The pre-release phase will include CRJ’s delivery of the 24/7Dad curriculum, along with release planning and coordination with DOC and DCF personnel throughout the state.

Additional services will be provided by partner agencies “Children of Incarcerated Parents”, “Connecting Through Literacy: Incarcerated Parents, Their Children and Caregivers”, and “My People Community Mentoring Services”.

Transitional Mentoring

Provides reentry services for young men ages 17-22 that are incarcerated and will soon be returning to Fairfield County. Transitions offers 8-week life skills groups to participants while incarcerated. It also provides participants with mentors that meet with clients pre-release, assisting them with navigating reentry. Transitions then provides reentry services upon release into the community.


Recovery Community Center