FRE Recovery Community Center
The FRE Recovery Community Center is open to the public. We are here to support your recovery journey and together can help you build your roots to recovery. If you are struggling with addiction, our recovery community center offers a variety of free services and resources aimed at promoting long-term recovery and wellness. To contact us, call 475-223-0333”.
Our Services
Peer Support
Our recovery coaches are staff with lived experience who can help to lead you in your recovery journey, get you connected with resources, and help you to grow your support system. Recovery coaching is offered through 1:1 session(s) or in a group setting.
Resource Referrals
Our staff maintain partnerships with local service providers, including healthcare professionals, counselors, and legal assistance, to help individuals access additional support
Educational Workshops
We offer a host of workshops and classes on topics such as addiction education, life skills, employment readiness, art group classes, and stress management. These workshops aim to empower individuals in recovery with practical knowledge and skills.
Safe Environment
We provide a safe and supportive environment whereby individuals in recovery can feel comfortable and respected without fear of judgment.
Social Activities
We hold a variety of fun social activities to foster a sense of community and provide healthy sober socialization.
HIV/HepC: Testing and Education
Our community partner, GBAPP, provides onsite HIV/HepC testing, education and referral to treatment.